TMJ Treatment
Experienced & Qualified to Treat TMJ Dysfunction
Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is responsible for a range of functions, including chewing, speaking, and smiling. A small disc of cartilage lies within the TMJ, serving to ensure smooth, natural jaw movements, and supports an even bite. If this joint or the functional cartilage is damaged, it can result in pain and stiffness upon opening your mouth.
At Smileworks Center our dental team is experienced and qualified to treat TMJ dysfunction (TMD) and are committed to relieving your pain and returning functionality to your bite so that you are able to talk and eat freely.
Symptoms and Causes of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD/TMJ)
• Facial pain
• Earaches
• Headaches
• Sore jaw,
• Clicking Noises in the Jaw
• Headaches and Neck Aches
The joint is flexible in movement, but any disturbance to the temporomandibular joint can result in a variety of mobility issues. While any of these symptoms can be caused by other conditions, together they are highly indicative of TMD.
Common causes of TMD include; trauma to the face or head, bruxism (clenching and grinding of teeth) misalignment of the bite or jaw, missing teeth, and arthritis. It’s crucial to your oral health and daily wellbeing to obtain treatment, for the above symptoms can become chronic.
What is Involved in Treating TMJ Disorder?
When you come to our Chicago dental office for TMJ symptoms, our doctors will thoroughly check your medical history, review symptoms and discuss the possible causes with you. They will then examine teeth to determine the overall condition of your dental health, jaw movement, and muscle tenderness. Depending on your individual symptoms, your dentist will also look for patterns of wear that may indicate teeth grinding,
The most likely course of action is the use of an occlusal guard. This is a custom made mouth guard that will prevent teeth grinding and clenching.
Your doctor will take a quick impression of your teeth and a trusted local lab will create your custom mouth guard. In about a week your occlusal guard will be ready and you will receive instructions on its proper wearing guidelines. By preventing teeth grinding and clenching, the temporomandibular joint can rest, allowing the surrounding muscles to heal.
At Smileworks Center, we provide TMJ disorder treatment utilizing custom guards. If you have symptoms of TMJ disorder, give our office a call. Our Chicago dentist is here to help. We proudly serve patients in neighborhoods such as Ravenswood and Lincoln Square.